EP CLEAR – 444 (Epoxy Clear Lacquer)

EP CLEAR – 444 is a two component epoxy based colourless liquid coating. Its water white appearance provides high gloss and smooth surface when used as a finish coat over epoxy painting treatments.
Can be used over a variety of surfaces like wood, concrete, metal, stone, all kinds of household articles, furniture, paraquet wooden floors, bathroom doors, stone artefacts, metal objects, ceramic files, etc .. It can be used on industrial floors over epoxy treatments as a finish coat to provide high gloss and hygienic look.
Mix both Resin and Hardner as supplied thoroughly. The mixed contents can be applied by spray, brush or roller. Minimum two coats to be applied at an interval of 3-4 hours between each coat. Inter coating interval should not exceed more than 8 hours. Do not leave mixed material over night as it will jell.
Do not apply on wet surfaces or on freshly laid concrete. Do not split packs. Working areas should be well ventilated as the vapours of solvent should not be inhaled for long duration. Smoking should not be permitted during application and away from open flames, lights etc.
Store in cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
4, 20 litres
⦁ Being two component pre packed units it is easy to use.
⦁ Can be sprayed, brushed or used with a roller.
⦁ It attains high gloss and smooth surface.
⦁ It is colourless.
⦁ It acts as a protective barrier over treated surface.
⦁ Good scratch and abrasion resistance.
The surface preparation is of prime importance. The surface must be firm and thy clean from the, loose dirt, laitance, grease, oil, rust and other contaminants prior to application.
Clean all tools, equipments immediately with EP THIN 200 only